Keerthi Herbals
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PRANDAI : ( Cissus Quadrangularis )

It is commonly called ADAMANT CREEPER and in Tamil Nadu Prandai.

Its Stem and Root are having more Medicinal Values.

Pirandai Uppu ( Salt ) plays vital roles for preventing many Diseases.
It contains Vitamin C and Vitamin E and is also a rich source of Calcium.


  • It is good for piles. (Moolam)
  • It prevents Stomach Problems like Gastritis, Indigestion.
  • It develops Memory Power and Strengthens Nervous System.
  • It helps all types of Bone Problems
  • It prevents a lot of Menstrual problems of Women
  • Weight loss and also reduces blood sugar level.
  • Preventing Premature Aging Skin..


It acts as

  • Alternative – உடற்றேற்றி
  • Emmenagogue – ருதுவுண்டாக்கி
  • Stomachic – பசித்தீத்தூண்டி


  • Powder
  • Salt (Uppu )
  • Pickle
  • Vathal ( Papped )